Planes is an upcoming sports comedy spin-off of Pixar's animated Cars franchise and the first film in the Planes trilogy. Pixar Animation Studios, the production team for the Cars movies, will not be producing the film. Instead, it will be produced by DisneyToon Studios. It was initially set to be released as a direct-to-video film,but will now be theatrically released by Walt Disney Pictures on August 9, 2013 in the Disney Digital 3D and RealD 3D formats.
A plane named Dusty dreams of competing as a high-flying air racer, but
he has two problems: he isn't built for racing and he's afraid of
heights. So he receives help from a seasoned aviator named Skipper Riley
to take on the defending champ of the racing circuit named Ripslinger.
Dusty's courage is really put to the test when he aims to reach heights
he never thought possible, giving the world inspiration to soar.